eWASA News – 22 Oct 2021





EPR for EEE to be implemented on 5 Nov 21

Producers and importers of electronic and electrical products, lighting, and lighting equipment have until 4 November to sign up to various industry producer responsibility organisations to comply with new EPR regulations pertaining to the management of electronic waste.

The extended producer responsibility regulations, promulgated under the National Environmental Waste Act, will come into effect on 5 November. The new rules stipulate that manufacturers and producers are responsible for the end-of-life management of their products. The regulations are seen as a game-changer in the industry that has seen a growing demand because electronic devices have become a necessity for consumers.

“It is the fastest-growing waste stream, because these products do reach the end of life and it is becoming a huge problem to manage; that is why we need to create awareness,” said Patricia Schröder, the vice-chair of the central branch of the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa.

Some of the commonly used products that result in e-waste include small domestic appliances, household portable batteries, lighting, and IT and communication equipment and consumables, such as printer cartridges. via M&G.



Water security: Circular economy the way forward for a sustainable South Africa, delegates tell webinar

circular economy, a system aimed at maximising the use of resources and reducing waste by making the best possible use of it, was the way to ensure sustainable water energy, food security and water resources in South Africa, said Dr Henry Roman of the Department of Science and Innovation.

A webinar hosted on 23 September by the Government Communication and Information System with the Department of Science and Innovation, the Department of Water and Sanitation and the National Press Club, reflected on the state of wastewater treatment plants in South Africa.

The webinar also dealt with innovation initiatives to address wastewater challenges facing South Africa from a national and municipal perspective and deliberated on scientific research knowledge and insights to ensure water security in the country.

Roman said a circular economy had been identified as one of the nine priorities in the government’s white paper informing the Department of Science and Innovation’s decadal plan.

“The plan is talking about water management, flood risks, extreme weather, water security, all linked to food security. All this is also impacted by climate change. It is also looking at biodiversity, conservation and land use,” he said. Read more on Daily Maverick



Second Recyclers Webinar  – 25 Oct (10:00am to 11:30am)

eWASA will be hosting a second webinar around the final arrangements for the EPR take-back scheme that comes into effect on 5 November 2021. Please RSVP by latest EOB on Friday 22 Oct 21.



DFFE Deadline Countdown: 14 Days

All existing producers and producer responsibility of EEE organisations must register with the DFFE  before 5 November 2021.

Download the full EPR regulations, regulations pertaining to the e-waste sector, and the lighting sector. On 19 January, the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Ms Barbara Creecy, postponed the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulations to 5 May 2021.

Extended Producer Responsibility applies to the following identified products or class of products:

  • Large equipment (any external dimension more than 100cm)
  • Medium equipment ( any external dimension between 50 and 100cm)
  • Small equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)
  • Batteries

Wondering if you are a producer? Click the link to find out. Contact us to discuss the eWASA EPR Plan.

To register as a producer follow this link – http://sawic.environment.gov.za/epr/regindex.php



Towards circular e-waste management: How can digitalisation help?


Days to remember:

14 October: International e-waste day
16 October: World Food Day
25 October: eWASA Recyclers Webinar

1 November:  Local Government Elections
6 Nov: International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
25 Nov-10 Dec: 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children

1 Dec: World AIDS Day
5 Dec: International Volunteers Day
10 Dec: International Human Rights Day
16 Dec: Day of Reconciliation (South Africa)
25 Dec: Christmas Day
26 Dec: Day of Goodwill
27 Dec: Public Holiday (South Africa)

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