eWASA News – 5 Nov 21





EPR Regulations: In a Nutshell

Here’s what you need to know

1. Producers, importers and distributors of electronic and electrical products, lighting, and lighting equipment have until today, 5 Nov, to register with DFFE.

2. The regulations cover the following categories of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)

  • Large equipment (any external dimension more than 100cm)
  • Medium equipment (any external dimension between 50 and 100cm)
  • Small equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)
  • Batteries

3. Producers can either:

3. PROs have responsibilities

  • Provide compliant and transparent EPR Support to Producer Members
  • Collection and handling of the EPR Fees (market data etc. kept confidential and not shared)
  • Ensure Producer compliance and reporting to DFFE as per the Section 18 Regulations
  • Disbursement of fees to the supply value chain to meet the targets and obligations of producers
  • Skills development Program development
  • Job creation in the sector
  • Support the recovery, recycling, waste reduction, beneficiation opportunities etc.
  • DFFE and other Government Liaison
  • Informal Sector Integration
  • Establishment of best practice and industry Norms and Standards
  • Embracing Circular Economy Principles

4. PRO’s will have a vital role in assisting producers in identifying shared constraints and synergistic opportunities

  • Along with stronger collaboration across the value chain, a mindset shift will be needed not only for legislative compliance but also for the benefit of the consumer and environment.
  • Intensive consumer awareness campaigns will also help to drive behaviour change.
  • EPR will see an investment in collection infrastructure, providing consumers with more convenient recycling facilities and a concerted recovery effort at the pre-consumer post-industrial phase.

5. Currently, the majority of e-waste collected and treated holds value

  • Non-valuable e-waste is stored or dumped – appropriate treatment costs
  • EPR principles enable all fractions to be treated appropriately at end of life (Lifset 1993, Lindqvist & Lifset 2003, Kunz 2014)
  • EPR becomes a financial safety net and creates a market demand for material
  • Consumers know the e-waste will always be collected and treated.
  • Government does not need to finance the collection and treatment


Make an Eco-Friendly EV Battery

Wired reports: \”Olivier Groux has built a machine that takes apart batteries, part by part. It looks like a big blue safety cabinet, the kind you might see in a lab that handles Ebola, with thick gloves mounted on the sides to reach inside safely. The job is simple: Peel away the metal strips that adhere to a polymer and act as the battery\’s electrodes. As the polymer sheet trundles through a system of pulleys, the electrodes go flying left and right, forming piles at the base of the machine: one for anodes, the other for cathodes, the negative and positive ends of a battery, respectively. They’ll next be dissolved in water, then go through a sieve to emerge as a metallic powder. The goal is to produce raw materials for new batteries from dead batteries as efficiently as possible. Groux thinks he’s nearly cracked it. Read more here.



A great scientific leap to tackle climate change is bringing other incredible benefits.


Days to remember:

5 Nov: EEE Producer Registration with DFFE Deadline
6 Nov: International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
25 Nov-10 Dec: 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children

1 Dec: World AIDS Day
5 Dec: International Volunteers Day
10 Dec: International Human Rights Day
16 Dec: Day of Reconciliation (South Africa)
25 Dec: Christmas Day
26 Dec: Day of Goodwill
27 Dec: Public Holiday (South Africa)




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