eWASA Offers a Variety of Services for PRO Members

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

eWASA is your point of contact for advice and action on EPR waste management.

Based in Durban, South Africa, we operate nationwide and our members have over 1000 collection points across the country.

Major Brand PRO Members
EEE Waste Collected
Collective Years of Expertise
Waste Collection Points



As per the report “Mapping South Africa’s Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Dismantling, Pre-Processing and Processing Technology Landscape, Mintek External Report # 7574“, published in March 2017.

Our Services

We offer the following services to support Producers:

Assessment and Consulting

We analyze your status as a Producer and your product spectrum to provide you with an overview of all obligations and costs in the country, and where to register.

Contract Coordination

We prepare all the necessary contracts and register you with relevant systems and national registers. We also provide access to authorised representatives in countries where you do not have entities for registration and appointment.

Product Classification

We support you in product classification based on different national categories, depending on the legal situation.

Online Market Declaration

With the help of our online platform, we assist you in centralising the quantities put on the market.

Need to Talk?

Send us a message using the form below and we’ll be in contact.
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