Frequently Asked Questions: EPR Waste Management South Africa

Answering Your Questions About EPR, PROs, Membership, e-Waste, Lighting or Paper and Packaging Waste

We’ve compiled a list of questions and answers for those queries we often get. If you don’t see the clarification you need here, please send us an email with your query.

What is e-waste?

Electronic and electrical waste includes ICT equipment, consumer electronics, small household appliances and large household appliances.

Electronic and electrical waste contains both valuable and potentially hazardous materials. Valuable fractions can be recovered through proper recycling, while hazardous fractions can be treated and made safe prior to safe disposal.

E-waste recycling has direct and indirect effects on human health conditions. Direct impacts on human health may be caused by:

  • Dust in indoor air generated in manual and mechanical dismantling processes (e.g. when processing plastics or Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) found in old TVs and Computer screens);
  • Filter dust generated in the mechanical dismantling process;
  • Noise emissions during the manual and mechanical dismantling process (conveyor belts, hammering, shredders etc.);
  • Deviations from occupational safety standards;

Indirect impacts on human health may be caused by:

  • Air pollution related to (HT) incineration (however the situation has been very much improved since waste gas purification systems are a common standard);
  • Emissions due to transportation of materials;
  • Contamination of water systems and soil near landfills.
  • The indirect impacts on human health are difficult to quantify, because of synergistic effects and the time lag between exposure and reaction.

Section 18 Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations are the regulations published under Government Notice 1184 in Government Gazette 43879 on 5 November 2020 and as amended. Extended Producer Responsibility means that a Producer’s responsibility for an identified product is extended to the post-consumer stage of an identified product’s life cycle. The purpose of these Regulations is to provide the framework for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of extended Producer responsibility schemes by Producers in terms of section 18 of the NEMWA act (2008); to ensure the effective and efficient management of the identified products at the end of their life and to encourage and enable the implementation of the circular economy initiatives.

Visit the Resources section of our website to view the various legislations governing waste management and EPR.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental policy approach in which a Producer’s responsibility for an identified product extends to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle. Thus the Producer, according to the EPR Regulations’ definition, becomes liable for their products placed on the market.

  • Registered with the DFFE via the SAWIC website
  • Registered as a member with eWASA (PRO)
  • Provided 5-year forecasts for the identified products placed on the market
  • Selected the payment frequency and pay EPR Fees/levies timeously
  • Signed an SLA with eWASA for not less than 12 months

The EPR fee/levy is the price a Producer pays to the Producer Responsibility Organisation in return for carrying out the Producer’s EPR responsibilities.

According to the Regulations, the Producer responsibility organisation that establishes and implements an extended Producer responsibility scheme must, together with its members, determine the proposed extended Producer responsibility fee and apply the extended Producer fee proportionally to all members based on the identified products placed on the market.

This extended Producer responsibility fee must be based on net cost recovery, including a differentiated rate per item category of each product or class of product, which must be paid by a Producer to fund extended Producer responsibility schemes and be dependent on the following:

  • weight of the product;
  • ease of recyclability;
  • current demand for the material for recycling purposes;
  • costs for establishing a collection system for the identified products;
  • collection, transport, storage and treatment costs for separately collected waste;
    administrative costs
  • costs for public communication and awareness raising (on waste prevention, litter reduction, separate collection, etc.)
  • costs for the appropriate surveillance of the system (including auditing); and
  • less revenues from recycled material sales.

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Collect EPR Fees.
  • Ensure that the EPR Scheme is audited.
  • Collect and submit data related to the scheme to the South African Waste Information System (SAWIS).
  • Keep a record of identified products – placed on the market, collected & sorted, recycled etc.
  • Compensate informal waste collectors.

Facilitating/Enabling Responsibilities

  • Contract for the collection, recycling and recovery of identified products.
  • Cooperate with municipalities to increase the collection of identified products.
  • Integrate informal waste collectors.
  • Establish secondary markets for recycled content.
  • Utilise new and existing infrastructure or establish new infrastructure.

When joining eWASA, you will have the advantage of complying with all your EPR obligations as a Producer and benefit from the following:

  • Certification with a DFFE-approved PRO
  • Quality services from collection points for your customers
  • Transparent reporting on financial and operational data
  • Regular legislative updates, guidance, and seminars
  • Compliance support and training for your organisation on request
  • Permission to use the eWASA logo on your stationery and website
  • Options to collaborate on projects with eWASA
  • One Stop Shop with Access to a team of experts and dedicated Key Account Managers per Waste Stream
  • Receipt of a Compliance certificate which you can upload on your website
  • Regular working groups on-the-ground, co-creation of tailored initiatives that are best suited to each member in achieving their sustainability objectives.

And much more!

View our full member benefits here.

Become a member and benefit from:

  • Certification with a DFFE-approved PRO
  • Access to a wide range of EPR waste streams, including EEE, Lighting, and Paper and Packaging
  • Quality service collection points for your customers
  • Transparent reporting on financial and operational data
  • Opportunities for skills training within the industry
  • A complimentary subscription to our official newsletter
  • Access to legislation policies and updates in the member section of our website
  • Permission to use the eWASA logo on your stationery and website
  • Options to collaborate on projects with eWASA
  • A location marker on our website map –
  • Rebates when you provide us with compliant reports to collections done at our Producer members.

And much more!

View our full member benefits here.

eWASA is a registered Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) in the following sectors:

  • Electrical and Electronic Equipment: 19/7/6/E/PRO/20210512/001
  • Lighting 19/7/7/L/PRO/20211123/004
  • Paper and Packaging: 19/7/5/P/PRO/20211123/022
  • Portable Batteries: 19/7/5/P/PRO/20230710/045
  • Lubricant Oils: 19/7/7/L/PRO/20240429/053