eWASA News – 14 Jan 2022



Welcome to 2022! Here\’s wishing your company all the best as we enter the new year. We look forward to working together throughout the upcoming year.

EPR Update

We have received confirmation that DFFE has received our query about the finalisation of the EPR fee structure. They promised feedback early in 2022. We will keep you posted.

Membership Renewals

It\’s time to start the process of annual membership renewals. Our admin team will contact you with a proforma invoice for the 1 March 2022 –  28 February 2023 membership fees. The team can then prepare e a tax invoice for you to pay and send you the updated membership certificate. Should you wish to renew your membership, please respond to our communication.



The heat stays on: Earth hits 6th warmest year on record

According to several newly released temperature measurements, Earth simmered to the sixth hottest year on record in 2021.

And scientists say the scorching year is part of a long-term warming trend that hints at accelerating.

Two U.S. science agencies — NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — and a private measuring group released their calculations for last year’s global temperature on Thursday. All said, it wasn’t far behind ultra-hot 2016 and 2020.

Six different calculations found 2021 was between the fifth and seventh hottest year since the late 1800s. NASA said 2021 tied with 2018 for sixth warmest, while NOAA puts last year in sixth place by itself.

Scientists say a La Nina — natural cooling of parts of the central Pacific that changes weather patterns globally and brings chilly deep ocean water to the surface — dampened global temperatures just as its flip side, El Nino, boosted them in 2016. Read more on AP News.



BizTrends2022: Better waste management will be critical to a sustainable future

Via bizcommunity: \”The waste management industry is in for an exciting 2022, with new environmental regulations, the use of digital technologies and a focus on the circular economy combining to improve sustainability.
Kate Stubbs, Group Business Development and Marketing Director at the Interwaste GroupKate Stubbs, Group Business Development and Marketing Director at the Interwaste Group

While there is recognition at the highest levels to urgently address climate change and biodiversity restoration, even high-profile summits like COP26 have delivered mixed outcomes.

Nonetheless, the facts are clear enough: humanity needs to modify both its behaviours and actions to meet the requirement of ensuring a sustainable planet for future generations.

The good news is that I believe 2022 will be seen as the year of implementing new processes and models with a view to ensuring just such a sustainable future. One of the critical drivers of innovation and change in the waste management industry is the existing environmental legislative framework, particularly some of the new regulations, goals and strategies.\” Read more here.



How does a sweet wrapper thrown away in Germany end up in a Malaysian river? Well, there\’s a bizarre plastic waste trade network, made murky by fly-by-night operators, weak international laws and corruption. So how does this entire thing operate? And can it be stopped?




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