eWASA News – 13 May 2022



European Safety Agency says EVs are Not as Green as Promised

New Green NCAP environmental ratings challenge electric vehicles’ CO2-reducing bona fides, and put ICEs not far behind them.
Everyone — EV advocates and naysayers alike — should pay attention to the European Green NCAP findings just released on 21 April. Though it asks as many questions as it answers, the organization’s report — “How Sustainable is Your Car?” — does seem to come to one glaring conclusion: That simply dumping traditional internal-combustion engines for electric propulsion will not solve the transportation industry’s greenhouse-gas problem. EVs’ reduction of CO2 emissions might not be nearly as great as we’ve been led to believe. Read more in Driving.



e-Waste FAQs Answered

Every year e-waste volumes across the globe continue to increase. As more and more people upgrade to new technology, most tend to throw away their old electronics. This behaviour results in gadgets such as computers, laptops, smartphones or cameras ending up in landfills. It has a very harmful impact on the environment and is one of the reasons behind climate change too. To cut down on rising e-waste volumes, recycling old electronics and proper disposal is the way to go. Read more on our blog.



Reminder: Reporting Requirement: Recyclers

In terms of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations, PROs are required to populate and record all of the information/details regarding the e-waste collected, transported and treated by our members. These monthly reports are collated and submitted six-monthly every June, followed by a yearly report at the end of December each year.

We\’ve attached two documents that require your attention and completion. We need a separate report for each calendar month.

  1. eWASA- EPR Levy Declaration Form – packaging

Please complete the documents for the period November 2021 to the end of March 2022, and send them back to us by 22 April 2022.

Once we have received and collated the data, we will reach out to you to discuss and finalise and EPR fees due and payable to you.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.




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